In life and in death we belong to God.
Dear Friends,
Remembering and honoring the life of a loved one in a memorial service is a holy and tender time. Those with a love for this mountain and/or a meaningful connection to The Stowe Mountain Chapel are welcome to hold their loved one’s memorial service in our chapel. The Stowe Mountain Chapel does not maintain a memorial garden or provide services for burial or the spreading of ashes. The purpose of this webpage is to outline the guidelines for memorials at The Stowe Mountain Chapel.
The process begins by emailing the Resident Chaplain at [email protected]. One of our chaplains will contact you to assist you as you honor your loved one.[email protected]
Grace and Peace,
The Rev. Dr. Blythe Denham Kieffer
President and Honorary Chaplain
Dear Friends,
Remembering and honoring the life of a loved one in a memorial service is a holy and tender time. Those with a love for this mountain and/or a meaningful connection to The Stowe Mountain Chapel are welcome to hold their loved one’s memorial service in our chapel. The Stowe Mountain Chapel does not maintain a memorial garden or provide services for burial or the spreading of ashes. The purpose of this webpage is to outline the guidelines for memorials at The Stowe Mountain Chapel.
The process begins by emailing the Resident Chaplain at [email protected]. One of our chaplains will contact you to assist you as you honor your loved one.[email protected]
Grace and Peace,
The Rev. Dr. Blythe Denham Kieffer
President and Honorary Chaplain